November 28, 2016

Regaining Your Locus of Control

As a physician, it is easy to feel like your life is out of control due to increased regulations, new expectations if you're employed, and the relentless crush of productivity. Is this the career you signed up for?

Take a breath and a moment to listen to Dr. Sheila Giffen share about regaining your locus of control.

November 20, 2016

Resilience and Personal/Professional Development

What role does personal and professional development play in protecting you? A lot! You grow your vision, your connections, and your heart when you learn about things that are interesting and challenging to you in your profession.

The Global Leadership Summit is once a year in August and is a cheap training ($139!) for two days of world class speakers.

November 11, 2016

Mindfulness for Physicians

A lot has been said about mindfulness as a way of reducing stress. In this episide, Dr. Deb Roman of Finding Health Boise talks about mindfulness very pragmatically as a means of increasing resilience in the face of occupational challenges.

November 6, 2016

Collegial Relationships in Medicine

Dr. Kyle Palmer discusses how getting involved in medical societies, leadership and other boards helps build resiliency through professional collegial relationships.

October 31, 2016

Why Exercise Should Matter to Physicians

Some might think Saint Alphonsus Dr. Sheila Giffen is a nut about exercise, but as she shares in this resiliency piece on the subject makes a legitimate case for why physicians need to keep this a priority.

October 21, 2016

Prayer, Meditation and Resilience

Mindfulness is all the rage in the medical community right now, but it's really just an extension of a centuries old tradition in many faith expressions. Pam Thomas, VP of Mission Integration at Saint Alphonsus Health System, takes through an Ignatian model of gratitude, prayer, and meditation in this two part episode.

October 17, 2016

Resiliency - Who is Your 4 Am Buddy?

When you need to talk with somebody, you need some buddy you can call at anytime of the day or night that you can vent with, cry with, pray with, or get feedback from. Have you made the effort to cultivate a confidant (besides your spouse) that can be there for you in a time of crisis?

October 9, 2016

Gratitude and Resiliency

Dr. Mark McConnell with St. Luke's Children's PICU describes the research and application of how gratitude affects personal resiliency.

September 29, 2016

Overview of Resiliency

Pam Thomas, VP of Mission Integration at Saint Alphonsus Health System, provides an overview of resiliency as a kickoff to our series on the topic.

During her talk, Pam mentions the work of Dr. Brian Sexton at the Duke University Patient Safety Center.

September 25, 2016

GLS Recap - Ideal Team Player Part II

Patrick Lencioni is a New York Times bestselling author, probable best known for his business fables such as "Five Dysfunctions of a Team." In his latest book, "The Ideal Team Player," Lencioni lays out three virtues that when combined together make for a great employee. But what happens when you have an employee with two of the areas covered but in complete deficit in the third? Watch out!!

September 18, 2016

GLS Recap - Ideal Team Players Part I

Patrick Lencioni is a New York Times bestselling author, probably best known for his business fables such as "Five Dysfunctions of a Team." In his latest book, "The Ideal Team Player," Lencioni lays out three virtues that when combined together make for a great employee.

September 1, 2016

Being Vulnerable in Healthcare - Global Leadership Summit Recap

How vulnerable is the culture that you work in? Is there room to admit mistakes? Ford CEO Alan Mulally shares the story of how he changed the board room to allow for mistakes in this recap of his talk at the Global Leadership Summit.

Mulally's Presentation notes:

August 28, 2016

Four Lenses of Leadership

Bill Hybels has been hosting the Global Leadership Summit - a two day simulcast with world renowned speakers - since 1995. In his talk on leadership this year, Hybels shared four lenses of leadership you might be looking through and what may need to change.

The GLS is an extraordinarily cheap leadership conference ($139 each) for two days of talks from people like Patrick Lencioni, Jim Collins, Condoleezza Rice, Horst Schulz and many more. It is a faith-based conference but not preachy and accessible to all leaders. It is simulcast in two Boise locations. Scheduled for August 10-11 2017.

August 19, 2016

The Duty of Foresight - Part IV

This is final of a four part series in which I talk about principles and practices of looking into the future. Remaining curious, humble, vulnerable are all leadership skills you can learn. Hat tip to Jeff DeCagna of Principled Innovations for his talk at the AAMSE conference - his blog is great.

August 15, 2016

The Duty of Foresight - Part III

This is the third of a four part series in which I talk about principles and practices of looking into the future with a hat tip to Jeff DeCagna of Principled Innovations for his talk at the AAMSE conference.

July 31, 2016

The Duty of Foresight - Part II

How can you look into the future and think about how current innovations might affect the practice of medicine over the next ten years. In the second of a four part series, I talk about principles and practices of looking into the future with a hat tip to Jeff DeCagna of Principled Innovations for his talk at the AAMSE conference.

The Duty of Foresight - Part I

Most board members know they need to practice the duty of care, loyalty and obedience to their organizations mission statement. But what about the duty of foresight? In the first of a four part series, I talk about principles and practices of looking into the future with a hat tip to Jeff DeCagna of Principled Innovations for his talk at the AAMSE conference.

July 8, 2016

Honoring Choices #4 - Being Mortal Review

Honoring Choices #4 - Being Mortal

In this final episode I review what is, according to one local nursing home medical director, "the most important book on end-of-life care since Elisabeth Kübler-Ross." Being Mortal, a NY Times best seller by Dr. Atul Gawande, dives deep into the issues around advanced care planning, hospice care, the limitations of medicine, and difficult decisions as the body comes to its end.

June 27, 2016

Honoring Choices #3 - Integrating ACP into Clinical Practice

Having conversations with patients about advanced care planning sounds like a lofty goal, but how do you actually introduce this topic with people that are reasonably healthy? In this episode, Dr. Charles Boult, MD - director of Saint Alphonsus Health System Hospice & Palliative Care - describes an example of clinic flow with regard to this topic.

ACP Physician Resources

June 13, 2016

Honoring Choices - Health System Integration

Honoring Choices sounds like a great idea. But how do you implement such lofty goals at a system level. Dr. Kurt Seppi, executive medical director of St. Luke's Health System, describes how the Idaho's largest private employer is working on that goal.

For a lengthier written conversation with Dr. Seppie, visit Dr. Pates Prescription for Change Blog.

May 31, 2016

Introduction to Honoring Choices Idaho

Meet Stephane Bender-Kitz, director of Honoring Choices Idaho. This project is a culmination of more than two years of discussions between leaders at St. Luke's and Saint Alphonsus, seeking to promote progressive and regular conversations around advanced care planning.

Honoring Choices Idaho

April 25, 2016

Practice Security: Protecting the MD ID

This final podcast of the Practice Security series is not about guarding the borders of Maryland or Idaho. It is about the fact that physicians have more of their personal information in public databases than most professionals. Additionally, since it's assumed that they have more money than most other Americans, physicians are targeted in schemes that attack them both at their personal financial level as well as the improper use of their medical unique identifiers. Find out how to guard yourself whether you're from Idaho or Maryland.

Resource Links
OIG Exclusions Database
Safeguarding Your Medical Identity - CMS
CMS Identity Remediation
Identity Theft Protection Services

April 17, 2016

Practice Security #3: HIPAA Security Audits Phase II

Just when you thought you were small enough to avoid detection, the Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General announced Phase II of HIPAA Security Audits program will roll out this spring. Do not take this lightly - all physicians need to tighten up their practices.

Related Resources:
OIG Announcement
Upcoming Compliance Bootcamp May 6, 2016
One Example of HIPAA Security Software

April 7, 2016

Defending your Practice from Ransomware

In the 70's and the 2000's, the possibility of being hi-jacked on an airline used to be a pretty real threat.  But far more likely these days is the possibility of getting your personal or work digital files taken hostage for money. Learn how to protect yourself and your practice from ransomware.

Related Links:
Show Windows File Extensions
Three Options in a Ransomware Attack
Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital Ransomware Incident
US Computer Emergency Readiness Team (Homeland Security)

March 30, 2016

Practice Security: Picking a Password

We all dread getting the message from our Network Adminstrator that says our password failed to meet complexity requirements. At least one uppercase, one Lowercase, one number, one symbol, minimum of 8 letters, a spell, a sneeze, and...

...and we hate having to have so many passwords. Well, here I am to throw a little common sense in this decade old problem.

Related Links:
Best Free Password Managers for 2016 by PC Magazine
Top 500 Worst Passwords of All Time (Hacked)
Kaspersky Secure Password Checker

March 19, 2016

Reverse Engineering Your Residency Brain(washing) Part II

Dr. Tom Murphy continues his talk of making a successful transition from residency to attending status.

March 10, 2016

Reverse Engineering Your Residency Brain Part I

We kicked off our Early Career Physicians series with Dr. Tom Murphy of Emmett Idaho sharing about Reverse Engineering your Residency Brain(washing).

Our series is sponsored by The Doctors Company with scholarships for non-members provided by Saint Alphonsus Health System.

February 22, 2016

Open Notes Dictation Demo

In this final installment of the Open Notes series, Dr. Kathrine Lee demonstrations how she has adapted her medical note by using voice recognition software and dictating it right in front of the patient.

February 14, 2016

Open Notes: How it Affects Patients Part II

Dr. Marc Chasin continues the review of Open Notes as a movement and how it affects patient satisfaction and outcomes.

February 5, 2016

Open Notes: How it Affects Patients Part I

Today we talk with St. Luke's Health System Chief Information Officer Mark Chasin, MD about the Open Notes Movement. He reviews the effect of transparency through two different medical studies and the results are astounding.

February 1, 2016

Open Notes Series: What happens when a physician becomes the patient

Inevitably it is bound to happen: the physician who is in charge of caring for others' medical needs suddenly finds themselves the recipient of care. And almost inevitably, it sensitizes the doctor to what it's like being on the other side of the stethoscope.

In this four part series, we'll explore the Open Notes movement, it's outcomes, and application in real life, starting with the personal journey through cancer care from Dr. Katherine Lee of St. Luke's Children's Ophthalmology.

January 27, 2016

Filling out the One Page Personal Plan

Take a look at this great tool at Verne Harnish's website to make personal long range visionary goals for yourself in the areas of People, Achievements, Rituals and Wealth. You'll learn how to create steps to prioritize the things that are most important to you.

Also a link to the Jim Collins article on the Stop Doing List

January 16, 2016

Putting a Framework around Your Goals

This is a two part video introducing Verne Harnish's  One Page Vision Summary and One Page Strategic Plan worksheet which can be found here. On it, you'll be able to put a little more meat to the bones of something you want to accomplish.

January 7, 2016

Three Practices of Satisfied and Effective Physicians

It's the beginning of the year and typically the time when you make all sorts of promises to yourself (and others) about how you're going to change. Here's a few habits that some of the effective and happy physicians I know are doing.

For a great tool to plan your year, take a look at Verne Harnish's One Page Personal Plan. (OPPP)