November 28, 2016

Regaining Your Locus of Control

As a physician, it is easy to feel like your life is out of control due to increased regulations, new expectations if you're employed, and the relentless crush of productivity. Is this the career you signed up for?

Take a breath and a moment to listen to Dr. Sheila Giffen share about regaining your locus of control.

November 20, 2016

Resilience and Personal/Professional Development

What role does personal and professional development play in protecting you? A lot! You grow your vision, your connections, and your heart when you learn about things that are interesting and challenging to you in your profession.

The Global Leadership Summit is once a year in August and is a cheap training ($139!) for two days of world class speakers.

November 11, 2016

Mindfulness for Physicians

A lot has been said about mindfulness as a way of reducing stress. In this episide, Dr. Deb Roman of Finding Health Boise talks about mindfulness very pragmatically as a means of increasing resilience in the face of occupational challenges.

November 6, 2016

Collegial Relationships in Medicine

Dr. Kyle Palmer discusses how getting involved in medical societies, leadership and other boards helps build resiliency through professional collegial relationships.