June 23, 2017

Using Video to Educate Patients

Dr. Timothy Johans, a Boise neurosurgeon, is among a handful of local physicians who use videos about their specialty to educate and prepare patients for what they can expect from treatment, before and after surgery.

June 19, 2017

A Physician's Journey into Integrative Medicine

Dr. Amy Baruch - ER physician at St. Luke's Regional Medical Center in Boise - talks about her personal journey into an Integrative Medicine fellowship and how it has helped her and her patients.

June 11, 2017

Goals and Creativity in Medicine

Introducing Peter Abraham, D.O.

Dr. Abraham rotated through Boise during his 3rd year of medical school in Boise, performed his residency at Genesys Regional Medical Center, and returned to Idaho to start practicing. In this clip, he talks about his goals in medicine and how he stays creative in his approach.