January 29, 2017

3 Work Life Factors Related to Burnout: Part I

Michael Leitner profiles six areas of organizational life that contribute to burnout. In the first of this two part episode, I will explain workload, control and rewards.

January 22, 2017

Maslach Burnout Inventory vs. Areas of Worklife Survey

Most doctors have heard of the (Christina) Maslach Burnout Inventory. But what about Michael Leitner's Areas of Worklife Survey. Together, these two researchers have spent their careers studying the affects of organizational life on individual employee's relating to burnout.

January 13, 2017

The Link Between Workplace Environment and Burnout

It's not just physicians that need to change to decrease burnout. There has to be a revolution of thought by employers that prioritizes employee mental health. In "The Truth about Burnout," Christina Maslach and Michael Leitner draw the connection between the environment of the workplace and burnout saying organizations are primarily responsible for making changes, not individuals.