October 31, 2016

Why Exercise Should Matter to Physicians

Some might think Saint Alphonsus Dr. Sheila Giffen is a nut about exercise, but as she shares in this resiliency piece on the subject makes a legitimate case for why physicians need to keep this a priority.

October 21, 2016

Prayer, Meditation and Resilience

Mindfulness is all the rage in the medical community right now, but it's really just an extension of a centuries old tradition in many faith expressions. Pam Thomas, VP of Mission Integration at Saint Alphonsus Health System, takes through an Ignatian model of gratitude, prayer, and meditation in this two part episode.

October 17, 2016

Resiliency - Who is Your 4 Am Buddy?

When you need to talk with somebody, you need some buddy you can call at anytime of the day or night that you can vent with, cry with, pray with, or get feedback from. Have you made the effort to cultivate a confidant (besides your spouse) that can be there for you in a time of crisis?

October 9, 2016

Gratitude and Resiliency

Dr. Mark McConnell with St. Luke's Children's PICU describes the research and application of how gratitude affects personal resiliency.